Invasion of Athena: Day 13

Hey everyone this has been long over due but happy to be writing the next step in the Invasion of Athena. This is a narrative post designed to be done between mission 2 and 3 taken from the Iron Warriors perspective in the campaign. So lets get to it and as always I hope you enjoy this next post.

Location: Planet Athena, Outskirts of Hive Primaris Iron Warriors Forward Command post 9.
Local Time: 0700, 13th day of Invasion. 

Delegatus Captain Vhak stood in the communications room waiting for a transmission he hated.
After spending 40 years of faithful service to his legion and a record that was spotless till his last mission. In his eyes a utter failure and one if he was a Warsmith would only do one thing, execute the failure for the damages he caused to the Iron Warriors Advance. Thankfully he was not the warsmith in command and knowing his leader he might still have a chance to live.

He again looked to the communications officer stationed in the room with him and again was given a look that again still no message had been sent. He thought this was odd for his Warsmith, one who prided him self on always keeping to a fix schedule and perfect timing not even a warfooting or even being wounded on Istvaan when the warsmith was wounded by a Raven Guard sniper did he ever stop. This just kept unnerving a centurion and when he finally saw the dias beep to show a incoming message he almost flinched.

" Officer put it up on screen, I want to get this over quickly" the comms officer nodded and clicked a few buttons on there console. On the communication dias with a flash of light a Iron Warriors officer would appear. Clad in Masterwork Terminator armor the imposing figure of Warsmith Sollos Rex stood as a living beacon of his Legion, everything spoke of a carefully calculated individual and one whose presence spoke like a tyrant of Olympia. Like always the War Smith was straight to the point.

" Delegatus Vhak I have a report of your failure of one of our batteries whose the loyalist is presently in control" Vhak though didn't flinch " That is correct warsmith but as we speak I have both the 6th and 7th Company under my command taking it back from the loyalist, the enemy will not last long"

The Warsmith nodded " Still this puts back your time table for the capture of the Refinery and the outer district way behind the rest of the advance?" the warsmith paused and seemed to be studying the Delegatus " How do you hope to remedy the situation with the foolish dogs of the 7th given more time to fortify the area? "

Vhak had prepared this ahead of time " Simple sir using my personal company of the 3rd and elements of the 4th company we will launch a direct assault as per the schedule". The Warsmith looked at Vhak and simply shook his head. " Delegatus though that plan is sound at this time 6th and 7th are to be removed and instead be redeployed back to the fleet as with more then half the grand company for another invasion".

Vhak couldn't believe it and felt the heat under his collar " But sir the war hasn't been won and this world is not compliant to the warmaster will yet how can we be removed??" the Warsmith held up his hand " Simple its the Warmasters command or well his envoy Captain Verräter Kurn". Vhak couldn't believe that this bastard son of the 16th was trying to command Olympia sons but before he could go further the Warsmith spoke " This is cause the Lord of Iron commanded me to fellow his every order and as such I have to fellow it as it was word of are primarch though it leaves me unease it is as he commands". This was rare and never has the Warsmith spoke aloud of his own frustration ever to any legionary in the battalion. 

" So Vhak with that in mind in 3 days time those elements I pick will be with me and the Warmasters dogs will be here to provide guidance for the rest of the compliance, you are to fellow Captain Kurns order as if they where the Lord of Irons own". Vhak despite his discpline had clutched his fist he knew he was to be punished but this was somthing no son of Olympian should have to endure, to fight away from his brothers and under the command of some other. The next part though would surprise Vhak " Though I do have some good news despite you losing half your forces, you'll have access to a Knight of a Freeblade house that has sworn a oath to us, you can use this as you wish since this is the only reinforcement you will get from the legion". 

Vhak gave a salute to his warsmith " Thank you my lord, I will use it and the forces under my command to complete the compliance " the Warsmith held up his hand " Don't thank me yet, if you keep failing you will not be spared and your punishment will be swift, now go forth and show the 16th how the Iron 4th Fight" with that the holoprojector winked out. 

Vhak shook his head and went back to work to plan out his next step of the war.
